West Forty RV Park and Campground

Our address is:

245 Highway 37

Gilbert, MN 55741

(Click Here for a Map)

Some GPS generated directions using our address will take you to the center of town and an incorrect location. Please follow our turn by turn instructions below from US Highway 53. Look for the large sign on Highway 37 for our entrance.

If you are using Google Maps or Waze to navigate, type in West Forty RV Park and you will be directed to our Google pin accurately.

If you have a GPS that allows you to enter coordinates, set your GPS to the following:

  • Lat: 47.473087
  • Lon: -92.483156

Driving Directions:

  • From Duluthfollow Highway 53 North about 55 miles to the Eveleth/Gilbert exit. Turn right on Highway 37 toward Gilbert. We are located about one hour north of Duluth.
  • From the Twin Cities follow Interstate 35 North approximately 110 miles to Cloquet. Take the MN 33 exit towards Cloquet / Iron Range. Merge onto MN 33 N and follow for approximately 20 miles. Turn left onto Highway 53 North and travel about 36 more miles to the Eveleth/Gilbert exit. Turn right on Highway 37 toward Gilbert. We are located about 3 hours north of the Twin Cities.
  • From International Falls start out going east on US 71 / MN 11. Turn right onto US 53 / MN 11. Travel on US Hwy 53 south about 100 miles to the Eveleth/Gilbert exit. Turn right on Highway 37 toward Gilbert. We are located less than 2 hours from International Falls.​

How to find us.

# 245, Highway 37, Gilbert, MN 55741